Cinnabar helps financial planning businesses become profitable.

Profitability is central to a financial planning business, allowing it to become sustainable, grow, improve quality of service better fulfil client needs.


Why profitability matters

Sustainability & Growth

Profitability is essential for the long-term sustainability and growth of a financial advice business. It ensures that the business can cover operating expenses, invest in technology and infrastructure, and expand its services to attract new clients and retain existing ones. Without profitability, a business may struggle to remain competitive and may even risk closure.

Quality of Service

Profitability enables financial advisors to provide high-quality services to their clients. It allows them to invest in ongoing training and professional development, adopt cutting-edge technology, and hire and retain skilled staff. When a business is profitable, it can dedicate resources to staying current with industry trends and regulations, ultimately enhancing the quality of advice and service it delivers to clients.

Fulfilling Client Needs

Profitability is closely linked to the ability to meet clients’ financial needs effectively. A profitable business can afford to provide a wider range of services, offer competitive pricing, and maintain a robust support structure. This means clients can receive comprehensive, well-informed financial advice and solutions, which is essential for their own financial well-being and success. A profitable business can better serve its clients, helping them achieve their financial goals.

Path to Profitability

Diversify Revenue Streams

Earn from more than a single source of income for your business

Strong Value Proposition

By creating a fee structure that aligns with the value you provide

Accurate Targeting

Target the correct clients and market

Client Acquisition & Retention

Closing clients is key but retaining them is critical

Technology Integration

Allowing modern platforms and technology to give you a competitive edge in the market

Compliance Risk & Regulation

Staying on top of your compliance, risk and industry regulations is vital for success

The Cinnabar Offer

What we offer financial planning businesses

We help financial planning businesses achieve the growth they desire through proven, expert support structures and tools.

2X Profitability

Boost Business Growth

Scale Service Delivery to Clients

Join the Team

Time to take the next step in your business journey

Reach out and let us show you how.

© Copyright 2025. Cinnabar Investment Management (PTY) LTD. is a registered financial services provider, FSP Number: 45402